It's a Contest! Win Here and Take Your Milk to the Bank!

My mother-in-law still has nightmares about the time The Partner and I absconded to a Bed and Breakfast in New Paltz, leaving our son with her for the long weekend. Everything was hunky dory until the second night, when a vomit-storm was the sight that greeted her as she walked into the guest bedroom to find out what was bothering her screaming grandson.

It's six months later and she can't let it go. "Oh la la," she says (seriously, I'm not stereotyping) in a French accent that belies almost 40 years on US soil. "My poor bebe. I think of him like that, all covered in..." she trails off, unable to articulate the horror. "Oh, my poor bebe."

I can't be sure, but I've since wondered if expressed-breastmilk-gone-bad might have been the culprit. From breast to freezer to refrigerator, and from baggie to bottle, there are many chances in the milk storage process for things to go awry. Maybe I'm just indulging in the international maternal pastime of blaming oneself for every harm that befalls one's child, but it stands to reason that there are a lot of leaks in the system.

Then Parent Bloggers Network sent me this product to try out: The MilkBank Breastmilk Storage System. It takes the leaks out of breastmilk storage/feeding with a vacuum that pumps excess oxygen from the storage bottle, creating an airtight seal.
Perhaps the use of exclamation points here will best convey my excitement about these facts that I really feel people need to know:

The vacuum pump keeps more nutrients in your milk!

Milk stored in the MilkBank system will stay fresh longer than milk stored in other bottles or baggies--longer than six months!

MilkBank bottles and storage containers will not leak your precious supply all over the diaper bag!

The Fully-Vented bottle system allows feeding bottles to double as a milk storage system, thus minimizing the milk/nutrient loss associated with transferring milk from storage bottles/bags! (Did you know that the majority of nutrients in breastmilk reside in the lipids (or fats), and fats tend to stick to the sides of containers? Thus, the more often milk is transferred, the more nutrients are lost)

MilkBank is BPA, pthalate, and PVC-free!

MilkBank is not, I repeat, NOT made in China!

MilkBank is not just for pumping moms. The bottles are great for formula as well, having been designed to insulate the milk (studies show that keeping it warm improves nutrient ingestion) and to keep it from leaking. MilkBank Triple-Vented bottles help bubbles bypass the milk, therefore reducing colic, and making feeding easier for baby.

You can check out the MilkBank product line at its Web site or head out to Babies R Us to look it over in person.

But before you do that, take a minute to win your very own MilkBank Storage System right here! That's a value of $29.99, folks. Just leave a comment below by Friday (Feb. 27) at noon, and I will pick one winner at random. Be sure to check back later that day to see if you've won.

We have a winner! Liz Barlow, the woman who has only ever won a fanny pack, was randomly selected as the recipient of a MilkBank Breastmilk Storage System courtesy of Parent Bloggers Network. Congrats, Liz! Please email me with your contact information via the link in the upper right corner of this page so that I can get your prize right out to you. Thanks for playing.


  1. I like that you store and use the same container.

  2. I like that you use the same container too. It seems like it is really trying to cut down on the transport numbers.

  3. Your plugs can be just so full of cheese!! BUT - I can tell you that bad frozen breast milk for sure can make vomit happen!! Trust me!!! I ended up having to get rid of a lot of my frozen stuff due to this. In the end I realized that thawing it only right before use was the way to go and if he/she wouldn't eat it it was because it was bad and to go get formula.

  4. I love contests! The only contest I've ever won was a radio contest and I won a fanny pack. And this was about 10 years after fanny packs were ok.

  5. I do not wish to be entered into this contest. Love you!!!

  6. I would so love to try this out! It's so deflating when milk goes bad in the freezer!

  7. I am so sorry to hear about the milk gone bad story. Sounds horrible, especially when you are not close by.

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful review. I really appreciate you taking the time and effort. Without honest feedback, we couldn't make our products better.

    Thanks for giving the Milk Bank system a try.

    Steve Saari
    Milk Bank/Dex Baby Products


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