What Do Oil Prices and Our Thermostat Have In Common?
Only my rapid-fire typing is keeping my fingers from losing all sensation. Number Two is sleeping, tucked away in his carrier beneath a Bundle Me-type carseat cover. The Partner is in New York City. He left us yesterday for a business trip and the last of our home heating fuel followed. He will be returning tonight to employ stopgap measures. Oil delivery time: T-24 hours and counting.
I'd post more, but there are probably activities better suited to encouraging the proper flow of blood than typing. Like getting out of the house to a place where heat is.
You stay warm, and I'll try to do the same.
Heating oil price per gallon: $2.11
Current temperature inside: 48 degrees
I'd post more, but there are probably activities better suited to encouraging the proper flow of blood than typing. Like getting out of the house to a place where heat is.
You stay warm, and I'll try to do the same.
Heating oil price per gallon: $2.11
Current temperature inside: 48 degrees
this is why i don't come visit you in the winter. :-)
ReplyDeleteI have a work-around for you. IF you are simply waiting for the oil to be delivered and not funds for said oil you can go out and buy some diesel and use that. Home heating oil and diesel are exactly the same thing except the home heating oil is dyed and not charged any gasoline taxes. It is illegal to use your home heating oil in a diesel can but you can do the opposite completely legally.
ReplyDeleteYup, I tried the diesel thing last night. But it wasn't igniting for whatever reason. But The Partner is going to figure it out so that the five gallons of diesel I brought last night don't go to waste. Wish us luck...
ReplyDelete"I'd post more, but there are probably activities better suited to encouraging the proper flow of blood than typing.".... Dude, that sounds HAWT.
ReplyDeleteWe've done the diesel thing, too. You have to re-ignite the burner when you run out of oil. I know - we ran out two weeks ago. It was reallyreallyreally cold in here by the time the oil guy showed up.