Ooh! Ooh! The Boss is Two!

This morning I was consumed by coffee and conversation as I sat with The Partner by the pool, watching The Boss run in circles around the blue shimmers. Suddenly she stopped, tilting an ear toward the treetops. "Owl!" she announced.

That was when The Partner and I chose to listen. Indeed, there was a subtle hoo hoo in the distance. We looked at each other below the soft warble. Suddenly there were tweets, too, and the rustle of vivid green leaves, and the smell of sun on dewed dirt. There was everything that had always been there, hovering unnoticed. "Hoo hoo," said The Boss. Sounds can smile--and they did--as we repeated them after her: "Hoo hoo. Hoo hoo!"

"Funny owl!" The Boss chortled. Then she set off on another wobbling lap around the pool. This time we heard the slap of tiny feet on cement. We thought we heard the breeze blow back whisps of her hair. And we were in the moment; we were in this moment where The Boss is turning two.

Happy birthday, little girl. Happy birthday to the one who fills all our senses with her own.


  1. Oh, look at her skinny-minny newborn legs!

    That picture on the swing is money!

  2. what a cutie! Happy Birthday sweet girl!

  3. Happy Birthday to the Boss!!

    I love the last picture, she looks MUCH older than 2 in it!

    The fun is just beginning, my girl turns 3 next month!!

  4. Happy Birthday, Boss!

    I think I'm in love with her face in that last picture.

  5. I love how you call this your motherhood anniversary.

    Happy birthday, Boss!

  6. oh, sister, a milestone indeed. Two.

    joy and congratuations to your whole family today.

  7. Happy Birthday to the Boss! And happy anniversary to you, being a mom.

  8. She's too cute! Happy Birthday Boss!

  9. Oh my gosh! She is just adorable! Love that last picture. Her expression is priceless and just so TWO!

  10. Way to go Boss! Here's to many more years of making your parents kneel in mercy at your cuteness.

    Congrats Binky!

  11. What a precious little cutie! Wonderful pictures of her first two years. I hope she had a happy birthday!

    Jane, P&B Girls


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