Almost Two

The Boss is in her sportscaster phase. Her life is a play-by-play.

"Running!" she shrieks as her stubby legs and feet that lean away from their arches slam fast across the hardwood floors, or the grass, or the concrete.

She calls it like she sees it at the dinner table. "Mommy is eating," she informs The Partner. Her cocked pointer finger is not accusatory, but gleeful.

When the dog is sunning herself in a patch of light streaming through the window, The Boss is there with the call: "Doggie sleeping." The dog is always sleeping.

Before the verbal trickle became a deluge, her eyes and cries were the only windows into her rapidly expanding brain. Now she is beginning to tell me what she sees. Soon she will tell me what she thinks. We are connected by the communication for now, but independence is on its way.

She is almost two. Go ahead, baby girl. Tell it like it is.


  1. I remember when this started with Paige... and just so you know it ony gets worse. She still gives us a running commentary of her life only now she is more like a sportscaster on crack...

    " Mommy, I want milk, I want chocolate milk, Mommy I can't play with the other kind of play dough, it's mdorty, put the other ones away and then I just need one I just need one I just want one out, mommy can you play with play dough with me, play with play dough with me, I need I wany MOMMY TO PLAY WITH PLAY DOUGH WITH MEEEEEE!"

    Literally. I just typed her commantary as I am sitting here... as fast as I could though I am sure I missed some... I guess I am off to play with play dough...

  2. Oh, I love that stage. The narrating stage. I remember it well.

  3. I remembering the play by play narrating stage too. Can get sorta old but it's so sweet.

  4. We're heavy into the narration as well. It's cute, sometimes. But when I need to go pee during a family reunion and Chicky needs to come with (she always needs to be attached to me), when she announces that "Mommy's POOPING!" that's enough play by play for me. There's not enough explaining that, no, I'm not pooping that will appease her.

  5. i so love this phase. it makes you slow down and consider the present. i love that about the little ones.

  6. It is a great stage... we're living it, too.


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