The Story of How My Mother Accidentally Ingested My Breast Milk, or The Funniest Thing that Happened while I was in Pittsburgh

Every night Sam gets a proper supper before his bedtime breastfeeding. We have some type of fruit and rice cereal. For those of you who aren't familiar, rice cereal comes in dry flakes, kind of like instant mashed potatoes, and you add the liquid of your choice to make the cereal your desired consistency. Commonly, the liquid is either water, formula, or breast milk. Since I never leave home without my handy dandy breast pump, I use my own milk to mix with the cereal.

At home, Sam sits in his high chair while I spoon feed him and Dr. SOB watches Star Trek. Dr. cannot tolerate the inherent messiness of feeding time and I cannot tolerate William Shatner, so this works out well for the both of us. My parents do not have a high chair, so instead Sam would sit on my lap and my mother would spoon tiny mouthfuls of goo into his chew hole. Occasionally the lad would get rambunctious and start flapping his little arms. During one of these instances, he knocked into the spoon, delivering a small dollop of cereal onto my mother's leg. Without a moment of hesitation, she wiped the cereal with her finger tip and stuck it into her mouth. She then informed me that it tasted sweeter than she would have expected. I was practically busting at the seams. I wasn't sure how she would react, so I tried to be as gentle as possible when I informed her that the sweetness was probably due to fact that breast milk is sweeter than cow's milk. She blanched. I waited, breath held, to see what she would do. She looked around in a wild panic and spotted a 2 liter bottle of soda on the counter. She leapt up, ripped the cap off and began chugging generic caffeine-free diet soda right from the plastic bottle. After a few good pulls on the soda, she set the bottle down, burped quietly and came back to finish feeding Sam as though nothing had happened.

I don't know if we'll ever talk about it, but the memory of my mother eating my breast milk will always hold a special place in my heart.

If you were expecting Binky, then April Fools! She is the guest of honor today over at the Cheese Party, where Amy Jo is the host-est with the most-est. You are all invited to come on by and read the best that she has to offer! Click on over to the Blog Exchange to read the cream of the crop from the whole blog blog exchange crew.

[Note from the proprietress of this site to all the Blog Exchange naysayers (you know who you are) in which I make it very, very easy for you to access my best post, ever: CLICK HERE! ]


  1. Binky, congratulations on fulfilling your goal!

    Now the question remains, will you stop now that you reached your goal, like a Spring dieter who watches their eating only to balloon after the end of summer? Or will you use your momentum to keep posting like a maniac?

    And, by the way, Blog exchange does not count as fulfilling your posting duties!

  2. That is so funny! I wonder if all moms would react like that? I ask because my own mom was rather curious about how breastmilk might taste, though I don't remember her ever asking to try some. ;)

  3. Ugh. The idea of tasting baby cereal on its own is just as bad as eating baby cereal enhanced with breast milk. Thanks for coming over to my blog today!

  4. Since my mom is one of those original La Leche League leaders, she would probably be proud to ingest my breast milk.

    And there is something incredibly wrong with the above sentence.

    Great story though. Thanks.

  5. My mom never breast fed me, so I think there is a touch of mystery/confusion for her. But you're right ecr. The cereal is bad enough on its own! I tend to think that breast milk might make it more palatable.

  6. My husband's single friend was visiting us once and he used my breast milk in his coffee mistakenly. I think he went straight into therapy. I loved your post!

  7. LMAO! Oh, that's too funny--and what a fantastic job you did writing this!

  8. I'm glad you all enjoyed! I'm also glad my mother doesn't quite understand this whole 'blog thing.' She might not find it so amusing!

  9. I almost forgot to leave a note that the guest blog was quite entertaining.

    The guest blog was entertaining.

  10. Breastmilk with a soda chaser. Is that a new one?

  11. I can't imagine that the diet, caffeine-free, generic cola they drink did anything to improve the taste in her mouth!


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