On Bosses and Boobs

A few weeks ago, The Boss and I sat up watching American Idol. The oldie-but-goodie singing sensation, Lulu, came out to perform "To Sir, With Love," fake breasts hiked up to fake chin. Her presence commanded The Boss's attention. After staring at the screen for several moments, a smile lit my daughter's face.

"Boobies!" she squealed. "Boobies! Boobies!" Her glee was evident.

I laughed at the clarity with which The Boss expressed herself. Words like "feet," "cat," and "please" are muddled by her lips, but "boobies" comes out with complete artistry. If it was wrong to feel proud, it was even more indelicate of me to consider it the ultimate in flattery when she turned and jammed her pointer finger into my chest amdist a flourish of "boobies, boobies, boobies!"

I'm no Lulu, but if my daughter can find similarities in my own flat rack, who am I to correct her?


  1. hmm, what other words has The Partner been teaching her, lol?

  2. She obviously recognizes quality over quantity.


    Wink, wink.

    Come see me at my new home...

  3. She's going to be SO embarrassed when she reads this blog ten years from now.

  4. and you know, kids never lie. it's always the rock hard truth, so to speak.

    nice racks all around then.

  5. Maybe she was referring to the perkiness of said boobies?

  6. I'd be thrilled if my kids compared me to someone with boobs, since I'm pretty much flat as a board...

  7. My first thought was "I wonder if her Daddy taught her that word?" Hillarious!

  8. My kids were boobie-crazy, too. My daughter more than my son.
    Boobies, boobies everywhere and not a one for me.

  9. That is funny, my boys are clueless about boobs and I don't know if I am gonna like it when they get in the groove with the body. They already know that mommy doesn't have a "weinnie" (their word, not mine and I just go with it).


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