Did You Know. . .

. . .that I'm part Irish and part Polish?

Yeah. I get drunk and act stupid.


It's funny 'cause it's true.


  1. i so want to hang out w/ you.

  2. Did you hear about the Polish man that locked his keys in his car?

    He had to use a coat hanger to get his family out.

    Im polish! Don't anyone get mad!

  3. A Polish man was suffering from constipation, so his doctor prescribed suppositories. A week later the Pole complained to the doctor that they didn't produce the desired results.

    "Have you been taking them regularly?" the doctor asked.

    "What do you think I've been doing," the Pole said, "Shoving them up my ass?"

  4. So I'm putting in a request for some drunk blogging. Is funny.

  5. Irish/Pole here too. Drunk and stupid too. But not now. Which is unfortunate.

  6. Now you've got me wondering what you would write if I left a bottle of tequila on your doorstep.

  7. Binky, we have to meet.

    Think of the fun we would have. I'm Polish too.

    My grandpappy was an alcoholic german pole.

    Know what that means?

    He was a mean stupid drunk.


    Sad, but unfortunately very true.

    However, I'm just a happy stupid drunk. Who has inappropriate frisky tendencies while drinking...

    Why don't you scooch a little closer?

  8. You've inspired me to post a joke today! :)

  9. It is hilarious because its true!

  10. yes, and yes. :-)

    and me too!

    what's even funnier - i'm dating a ukrainian at the moment - so we drink a lot of vodka - i have some fun stories to share with you soon!


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