The Boss Out Sick

It's not too bad a cold, as far as those things go, but The Boss is run down. This morning while The Partner was making toast, he asked me if I heard The Boss coughing last night.

In yet another sign of bad mothering, I had to say no. I slept well.

"She was croaking like a frog," he said.

Today she is not croaking so much as mini-hacking. At breakfast, a Cheerio got mired in the booger glue of her upper lip. She didn't seem to notice as she continued to insert individual "o"s into her mouth. Again with the bad mothering, I laughed out loud.

Right now she's resigned herself to the couch, watching her new favorite DVD, Go Potty Go!. I have high hopes for this cartoon. Between that and the potty song I made up (P-O-T-T-Y to the tune of B-I-N-G-O), I'm saying potty prayers that she'll learn her way out of diapers fast.

Please excuse the poor photography. My artistic flair is limited to words.


  1. Awww hopefully the lil one is better soon there is nothing worse than a sick child.

  2. nothing says rock star like leopard on a red couch.

    even when she's sick, she's got it going on.

    hope all is better soon.

  3. I'm not sure which I covet more....the leopard skinned kid who is simply adorable, even if covered with snot, or the devine red couch...

    Hope she feels better. And Binky, just so you know, I have MANY pics of cheerio's stuck to snot on my kids faces...because I'm twisted that way. So laugh on...

  4. Aw, poor Boss. We have a cold here, too, which sucks because it is 60 degrees and sunny.

    Hope she gets well soon!

    PS - Airborne.

  5. You can see it in her eyes. Poor thing. I hope she is better soon.

  6. Traveled here from Mrs. Chicken's place...

    God. Cheerios stuck in snot. And that stoned look they get when they are sick and in front of the TV with flushed cheeks.

    She does look adorable on that red couch....


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