The Boss Gets Demanding

After racking up almost two years on the job, The Boss is now comfortable in her position. She no longer feels the need to impress The Partner and I with her even-keeled temperament and sense of humor. Confident that we're not going to hit up for new opportunities, she has taken to ruling with an iron fist. In fact, she throws herself onto the floor and flails the clenched metal of her hands roughly every five minutes. It's tantrum time in the workplace.

I would be better prepared for all this if she hadn't been so darned nice up till now. Consistently pleasant. A joy to be around. As a newborn, she mostly slept and ate. As an infant, she slept, ate, and rolled around a little. Once mobile, she toddled with grace and dignity. Now she is four months removed from the nefarious age of two and suddenly decides she wants a head start on the villiany.

And as her subordinate, I have every reason to believe my performance review is going to suffer. It will look something like this, I imagine:

Ability to retrieve juice and cookies in a timely manner - does not meet expectations
Sensitivity to the unspoken or indecipherable whims of superiors - does not meet expectations
Oral presentations (i.e. reading the same book fifteen times in a row in order to stall bedtime) - does not meet expectations
Manual dexterity (pick up, put down, pick up, put down, pick up, put down) - does not meet expectations

Oh, well. It's not like I was going to get a raise, anyway.


  1. Wow, she sounds like just how Moe was. She turned fro ma sweet girl to a monster almost overnight (if you remember). Thankfully, she is starting to calm down alot now. We can actually go to playgroups now without her scareing all the other kids!

  2. I've just realized turning two is alot like my daughter turning ten.

    Suddenly, she is this demanding, difficult child where before she was so sweet...

    There might be something to this theory....hmm....

  3. Yeah, we had one like that, too. Sweetest baby you'd ever meet. Not even two and throwing herself on the floor with abandon. Now she's nearly 4 and still the child of the devil. But charming! Good lordy, she's got charisma to spare. I guess it's the other part of the coin ....

  4. Oh, and don't you think it ends... My nine-year-old brought home homework that required us to have in the house both paper fasteners and glue stick. Nope. Not in my house. If the teacher had warned me, I might have bought them, I guess. So Ben, my darling child, gets mad at ME. I should have somehow known by osmosis to have paper fasteners in the house? I didn't even know what they were until Ben told me. Sheesh!

  5. This is just a practice run for her teen years. It gets better, by that, of course I mean worse. Hang on.

  6. I just love the way you make something so simple seem so interesting and funny and new...i am currently in technical school in the air force and have been reading your blog since before i left for basic training and I am still hooked!

  7. Mine too. Mr. Man went from an absolute riot of fun and laughs and adorable to me feeling proud of myself for not pushing him out the front door into the snow bank. Sadly the tantrums are less now as he's learned to effectively tune out Mommy's voice completely. I'm not sure which is worse.

  8. Ah, yes. My 2 1/2 year old is remarkably similar. It's good to know he's not the only one turning into a monster, but I guess that means I have to hold off on adding lithium to his juice for now.

  9. HA HA HA. Welcome to the club!

  10. The Poo and The Boss would together be a forced with which to be reckoned.

    But at the same time, aren't they so wonderful right now? So pure. And discovering all the beauty in the world.

    How can we begrudge them a temper tantrum when that beauty turns to mud?

    Ah, if only I could remember that she she is screaming her fool head off ...


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