A Saturday Sell?

In a victory for positive thinkers everywhere, I have been knocked off my pedestal of pessimism.

Yes, you guessed it: we got an offer on our house! And a reasonable one, at that.

We're countering this afternoon with a price that meets them halfway.

Of course, I'm not getting my hopes up. Falling from that pessimistic pedestal just means I'm now more firmly grounded in reality. Feet on the earth, expectations in check.

But I'm not gonna lie to ya. I'm pretty damn excited.


  1. damn, that was fast! Here's hoping it goes through. And if not, that it is the sign of more to come!

  2. Aw crap, that means you'll be moving sooner rather than later. Best of luck looking for a house now!

  3. whoo hoooo! The power of positive thinking!

    Yeah, I should talk, eh?

    So pleased for you, keeping all appendages crossed.

  4. Congratulations! I'm excited for you, albeit jealous....we're not at that stage yet.

    Hope all goes well!

  5. Wow! That was quick. Maybe Your family and me and Sean could move in together and we'll both be freelance writers with babies. Or, maybe not. Whichever.

  6. CONGRATS! An offer is always a good sign - fingers crossed for you!

  7. So, as per normal, I'm a day late to this party, but I want to offer my congrats.

    And I'm dying to know how it went...

    Good luck!


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