
February does not inspire me. There aren't many pages on the calendar that do, but this miserable mini-month is by far the worst.

I bought The Partner socks and corduroys for Valentine's Day. It is just occurring to me now how ridiculous that is. We have known each other for almost ten of these romance-centric holidays and it's come to this. Yet, I'm too lethargic to do anything more than note the absurdity.

Last night I retired to the bedroom in hopes of receiving an inaugural rub-down with the massage oil The Partner purchased, much more thoughtfully than I, for the occasion of the day. I sat up in bed while he removed the tags and stickers from his cords as if mired in mid-winter molasses. He threw them away. He bent over to pick up random debris that had escaped the garbage can. He plodded about the room, removing clothing and accessories and putting everything in its God damn rightful place. I thought of spontaneity and urgency. My face fell. I yawned. He lumbered over to the alarm clock, so pokey.

My head hit the pillow and, well, you can guess the rest. I came back to consciousness this morning with skin that was most decidedly unsupple, and a couple other unsatisfied organs to boot.

I have nothing to say. I have no thoughts in my head. I live in New England and it's February.


  1. I blew $12 on tulips yesterday because I needed to see something fresh and colorful in my house.

    February is the worst. March at least holds the potential for a thaw.

  2. February is dreary...yet you write about it so well.

  3. Very often, too often, my husband acts a bit aloof when bedtime nears. It's still too cold for the sap to flow, I guess, as he moves about so slowly. I silently wonder how he could have missed or misinterpreted my signals. He silently wonders if he missed or misinterpreted my signals. We kiss and fall asleep.

  4. I don't know that I have an annual hatred for the month, but I certainly hate this year's installment.

  5. February may not inspire you, but the second sentence of this post cracked me up, and then I saw you tags...

    Wishing you warm, warm thoughts from Miami!

  6. It's January that is always difficult for me. I rather enjoy Feb.

    However, after reading this post, I may be rethinking my position....

  7. Ugh. I hate this. All I want to do is sleep and eat and stare blankly at my computer screen.


  8. hi. i heart you. that's all.


  9. Is it possible to read the gift as a sign that you've entered a happy, comfortable phase of your relationship?


    February indeed blows. I feel you.


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