Good Kids Bad Habits

I read in a book that our children will be the first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. I ran to The Partner in alarm. I squeaked out the news and asked him what he thought. He looked at me funny. “I think it means The Boss won’t live as many years as we do.” I tried to collect myself amidst a series of eye twitches. “I am not asking you to explain the concept to me. I get that . I want to know what we’re going to do about it.” “You’re the one reading the book.” Yes, I’m the one reading the book. In this house, I’m always the one reading the book. I’ve loved words on paper since the day I deciphered my first children’s story. But I’ve never been particularly interested in non-fiction and am even less inclined to accept someone else’s idea of self-help. When I signed on to review Good Kids Bad Habits , by Jennifer Tractenberg, for the Parent Blogger’s Network , I hadn’t tried to read a parenting book in its entirety since I threw down What To Expect When Y...