Sunshine Almost Always Makes Me High

It was 71 degrees in January. I was on the same stretch of highway I've traveled many times before. Sunshine was on my shoulders and the song was on my radio. It was one of those moments when the fact that something is in the air becomes clear.

I've had those moments before, and the feelings have a strange concreteness. With each job interview I've gone on, I know from the car ride there if I will end up taking that position. I've never been wrong. I see a certain landmark, gas station or metal sign and I understand with certainty that it is something I will pass again many times. Beneath a highway overpass in the town where we bought our first home, I saw the words Providence and Worcester Railroad Company on rusty red metal as we traversed northeastern Connecticut in a lazy house hunt. I got the feeling. It was several months and several failed contracts later that we ended up purchasing our small antique cape in that very town. Now I see the sign daily.

This time I have the feeling but I have no idea what it means. I'm not looking for a job. We're not buying a house. Nothing planned is on the horizon. But something is looming there anyway. Driving home from Hartford on a hot winter Saturday, I sat a little straighter as I followed the well-worn path. I looked for new landmarks. And I thought that there is as much excitement as there is fear in the not knowing.

In unrelated news, I am the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas Member of the Week. With 900 mamas on their blogroll, I feel very honored to have earned this distinction. If you voted for me of your own volition, I thank you. If you, like The Partner, voted for me because I told you to, I thank you. I've gotten to know myself better through blogging, and now I've gotten to know so many of you. It has been a completely unexpected delight.


  1. Congrats! You have a great blog and deserve this special distinction.

    I know what you mean about having that feeling creep up on you out of the blue. Sometimes when I go to new places it seems very familiar to me for no apparent reason.

  2. Whoo HOOOO! You deserve it, girlie. Congratulations. It was only a matter of time.

  3. Such a way with words, Binky.

    You deserve it. Good for you.

  4. "If I had a tale that I could tell you, I'd tell a tale sure to make you smile."

    Thanks. It makes me sad when I remember that I've forgotten that he's gone.

    Hope your sign makes you smile. Congratulations on the recognition.

  5. Congrats on being named Member of the Week over at the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas!

    On a completely unrelated note, I have tagged you for a Meme over on my blog!

  6. Congratulations! From what I have read of your blog in the few short weeks since I found you, it is an honor well deserved.

  7. Beautiful post, Binky. Then again, your posts always speak to me. I saw that same railroad sign almost every day of my life growing up.

    And congratulations on your MotW honor! Much deserved indeed.

    (sort of unrelated but worth noting: the word verification for my comment is "ditto". Cool.)

  8. I can't wait to hear what happens... when it happens.

  9. you absolutely deserve it. congrats.

    and i love this post.

  10. I missed this! I would have totally voted for you if I had known this going on! Yea for you! Now you have to keep us posted on what the mystery thing is.. I'm piqued.

  11. just like Holden when he can't feel a goodbye at old Pencey until he remembers the time he tossed a football around with those two fellas until it was dark and a professor yelled at them to quit.

    thanks for consistently being one of the best writers I get to read in such a casual manner, on a regular basis, and think of as a friend.

    'cause J.D. never returns my calls.

  12. CONGRATS!! YOU SOOOO deserve it. You're an awesome lady and an amazing writer.

  13. How very cool - this gives me the goosebumps. The anticipation and fear of things to come is positively exciting. I love John Denver and I love New England. And ... 71 degree days are always wonderful.

    Congratulations on your recognition for MOTW! :)


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