
Yesterday, I had my first Real Life rendezvous with a Blogosphere buddy. Having met my own husband through AOL Instant Messenger, it's the kind of situation to which I am no stranger--but it served to remind me of the unique relationships that are built when familiar screens trandscend cyberspace and become a very real part of life.

I had no doubt that Lauren and I would get along famously. I just knew it. I think I've been reading her blog for almost a year now, and in that time I've gotten to know her AMAZING photography, her friends, her boyfriends, her freakishly strange luck, and her ability to make ordinary people and situations seem extraordinary. How could she not be--as they say a little to the east and a little the north of here--wicked cool?

She's generous, too. She shared her photographic gifts with me in the form of a ton of pictures of The Boss and The Boss's best friend, Roxie. In turn, I will share some with you.

I love the Internet for the way it makes an overwhelming world seem small and close. And I love this real life for all its dimensions. When they come together, well, it just doesn't get any better than that.


  1. i wonder if other people see us and think that we look different than we did in the past but if our friends always see us in the same way, because to me you look exactly the same as i remember you when i first met you (regardless of the progression of hair styles over the years!).

  2. Cool pics. I still haven't heard back from Lauren on pics of the girls :(

  3. Such beautiful pictures! The composition is great but the subjects look amazing.

    (yeah, that means you and the Boss. The dog looks fabulous, too.)

  4. Um... how CUTE is your baby. I can't handle it. :) The 22nd sounds great to us. And thank you for the heart warming post.

  5. gorgeous pics. and i totally agree...the internet has so much potential to help all of us build community, and when it translates into real life meetings, wow.

  6. Beautiful, beautiful photos. Breathtaking.

    And what you said about the blogosphere, and those friendships, and what you love about it? YES.

  7. Weirdly, I met my husband through AOL IMing too. Not from a dating site just randomly. And we've been together seven years. Isn't that crazy?

  8. Love the photos. You and Boss look so happy. It is wonderful to see first thing in the morning!


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