100 Things About Me - Part II
26. My brother had the kind of temper that would make a huge vein pop out on his forehead. 27. I was afraid of that vein. 28. My fourth grade teacher was a recent divorcee. One day she told us about her wedding dress and what a colossal pain in the ass it was to put on. She described hundreds of buttons all along the back that took her bridesmaid an hour to secure. 29. I won grand prize at the town-wide Fine Arts Fair, circa 1989, for my book titled “Witchimina Fafner and the Popularity Elixir.” 30. In junior high, I would wear sneakers on gym day no matter what else I had on. It was not unusual to see me in a sweater, a suede skirt, nylons and white Reeboks. 31. I ran for eighth grade class president on the “Don’t Clown Around, Vote for Binky” ticket. 32. I lost. 33. I hated junior high. 34. My sister was born when I was thirteen years old. 35. As a pre-teen, I became infatuated with the movie Young Guns and the series Young Ri...