Victory Speech
30 days and 9,500 words later , I have fulfilled my NaBloPoMo obligations. I'd like to thank God that it's over. I'd also like to thank my husband for not complaining too loudly when he was forced to wear non-matching socks in the absence of any freshly laundered matches. I can't forget my dog, who ate poop just so I'd have something to write about. Thanks also go out to Blogger for unveiling a beta version that ate up at least one of my posts and ensured that anyone trying to stay abreast of my site via Bloglines got the shaft. I eat your hate like love*. And the one to whom I owe it all: The Boss. You're the reason I started blogging. More than ever, I am truly me because of you . Thank you for being there . Thank you for not being there . Thank you for thanking me . *Current Google research indicates this quote is attributable to the band Bikini Kill, but it came to me on the penultimate page of an issue of Sassy Magazine circa 1990.